Tellico Village Garden Club

The mission of the Tellico Village Garden Club is to encourage the love of gardening and improve the quality of our environment through educational programs, field trips, publications, and maintenance of neighborhood gardens.
Interested in Joining the Garden Club?
Sign up is available at any of our meetings
Why Join the Garden Club?
A garden club is the vision, plan and manpower behind community beautification. Whether it is welcoming neighborhood entrance gardens, partnership with the public works department, or holiday designs in public buildings, a garden club's presence is evident in our village.
Gardening touches everyone in some way. It can be beauty, color, solitude, food, memories, therapy, land value, exercise, attracting wildlife or just the thrill of making something grow.
The Tellico Village Garden Club meets on the top floor of the Yacht Club (elevator available). Membership is open to any area gardener. Dues are $15 per family per year. Please wear name tags. Members are encouraged to volunteer their talents and to share ideas on programs they might like presented. Members are expected to help with refreshments at one of our meetings.
Garden Club members and guests enjoy speakers each month who entertain and educate on a variety of gardening topics. There are often plants for sale, as well as plants and other materials to give away.
Garden Club helps to maintain 21 Tellico Village Gardens. These can be seen at the entrances to Village Neighborhoods. Call Donna Olson (641) 583-0958, for more information.
We rely on recycling of aluminum cans to provide the funds we need to maintain the Neighborhood Entrance Gardens. Please bring cans to the boat docks or Public Works Department (Davis Ferry Road) in the main Village. In Kahite, aluminum cans are collected at the golf cart barn.
Garden Club Members enjoy opportunities for day trips.
Tellico Village Garden Club gives back to the community in many other ways.
- Donating to the local public gardens and other gardening related projects.
- Donating garden hoses to new Habitat homes
- Landscaping the women-built Habitat home
For Members of TV Garden Club
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Garden Club Board
Please contact any of our board members for additional information on the Garden Club and our activities.

How do we use TellicoLife?
The Garden Club's internet presence is this TellicoLife site. Their have retired their other site.
- We use a TellicoLife Members ONLY circle to communicate with our members, share our newsletters and discuss topics relative to our garden club.
- Additionally, we have a TellicoLife BOARD Member Circle, used by the board members to communicate and to store club history and documents. View/Join our BOARD Members Circle
Our events and meetings can be found on TellicoLife calendar, under the CLUBs tab, and carry the abbreviation GRDN
For more detailed information about our club, please contact any of our board members listed above.
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