Tellico Village Hikers
(Or Search the Event List using TVHikers)
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Here's how to join our E-List
Who We Are:
If you enjoy walking in the woods and fields of East Tennessee, come to one of our hikes. That is all it takes to join our club!
We are a fun loving group of your neighbors, and you probably already know several of us. Discover the Smokies and other areas in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina.
Our hikes are generally 6-12 miles. They are moderate to a little more strenuous in difficulty and can have hills. All of them feature good views, friendly conversation, and a fun way to get a little exercise. If you are a novice hiker, be sure to read our hike descriptions to assure yourself that the hike fits your ability level.
We usually plan hikes for the second Friday and fourth Wednesday of each month (only one hike in December). Hike dates and descriptions are on the TellicoLife Calendar.
For more information about us or a specific hike, Contact Us through Tellico Life or you can contact one of the club leaders
TV Hikers on TellicoLife
TV Hikers use TellicoLife in several important ways.
- Calendar
- Our hikes are published on the TellicoLife Calendar
- Category: Clubs
- Abbreviation: TVHikers
- Join our E-List (group E-Mail)
- View/Join our E-list on TellicoLife to receive our club and hike communications
- Login to TellicoLife
- Click here to view our message history
- Then to Join our E-List -
- Click the "Back to E-list" button on the tvhiking E-List page
- Find the row for tv.hiking. Slide the bar to green
- If you don't see it on the 1st page, change the page to display more rows
- Emails from [email protected] will land in your email in-basket
- You do not need to be logged onto TellicoLife to view or find your emails from TV Hikers. They will be sent directly to your email address.
- Replies will go to the sender
- Leave our E-List
- Leave the tv.hiking E-List if you no longer want to receive our emails.
- Login to TellicoLife
- Click here to view our message history
- Then to remove yourself from our E-List -
- Click the "Back to E-list" button on the tvhiking E-List page
- Find the row for tv.hiking. Slide the bar to 'OFF'
- If you don't see it on the 1st page, change the page to display more rows
- Hike Pictures
- We maintain an OPEN circle where we post hike pictures and summaries
- Anyone can post hike pictures to the Circle
- View/Post Hike Pictures (TellicoLife login is required)

Membership Information
Membership is not required. Just show up and join our hikes! To stay in touch with our hikers, consider joining our E-List (see above for instructions)
Hiking Links
Great Smoky Mountain Park Service Latest info from the Park Service. Good resource to check prior to driving to the Smokies only to find your favorite trail closed
• Smoky Mountains Hiking Club Another local club with good hikes
• Cumberland Trail The Cumberland trail when complete, will stretch from Chattanooga to the Cumberland Gap on the VA & KY border. The trail follows the rugged eastern edge of the Cumberland Plateau. Many sections are complete and make great day hikes.
• Hiking in the Smokies This site offers more info on individual trails.
• Hiking in the Smokys Blog Interesting stories and news about hiking the Smokies.
• GO Smokies This site, run by our local Knoxville paper, the News Sentinel, covers hikes and news from the Smokies and beyond. Great hiking reports from all over East Tennessee. Read the blog.
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