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Shepherd of the Lake is a loving congregation of Lutherans and other Christians in Tellico Village who strive to live our lives in faith, trusting in God’s love. Our services are joyful, inspiring and heartfelt, and all visitors are truly welcomed. Our weekly worship is a traditional Lutheran service led by Pastor Phillip Vickers with an Assisting Minister from the congregation. We offer Communion at every service and all visitors are welcome to partake. Additional services are held during Lent and Advent. Summer Bible Study Opportunity - The Prophetic VoiceBeginning Wednesday May 3rd at 10:00am we will delve into the rich world of the Old Testament prophets. Each of the prophets found themselves in unique circumstances religiously, culturally, and historically. What they share in common is a boldness to preach God's Word and to be counter-culturally faithful to the God of Israel. I know we will all be blessed by studying the stories of these great people of faith. Please join us. Pastor Phil
We support and serve at many local ministries including Habitat for Humanity, OUR Place, the Good Samaritan Center, Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries, the Good Shepherd Center, Second Harvest, Friendship Kitchen, Kiddie Kingdom Day Care, Animal Shelters, Kairos Prison Ministry, and The House That Mercy Built. There are many volunteer opportunities in Worship (Asst. Minister, Lector, Altar Care, Usher, Choir, Communion Asst., etc.), In-reach (prayer groups, card ministry, member support, small group ministry, bible study, quilting, men’s and women’s fellowship, etc.) and Outreach (local social agencies, local disaster relief, ELCA missions, Water To Thrive and others). ![]()
We welcome all people to Holy Communion. Bread and wine serve as the hosts through which we receive God’s forgiveness and mercy. We celebrate Holy Communion by intinction, first receiving a wafer and then dipping the wafer into either wine or grape juice. A common cup of wine is also available. Our worship service with communion is based on our Lutheran background and uses a traditional liturgy with a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary music. God’s word is proclaimed through scripture readings and a sermon by our Pastor. The church and its facilities are accessible and hearing assistance devices are available from the ushers.
Sunday Worship with Holy Communion 9:00 a.m.
Shepherd of the Lake welcomes all of God’s children. We invite people from all backgrounds to experience and share the good news of Jesus Christ and to celebrate the opportunities given to us to love God and love mankind.
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