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Muddy Boots Norris Dam State Park Hike
Monday, February 13, 2023, 8:45 AM EDT
Category: New Villagers

02-13-23 Norris Dam State Park Hike

Join us as we explore both the history and trails of beautiful Norris Dam State Park.  Construction of Norris Dam began in 1933 by the TVA during the Great Depression.  Lake Norris has 809 miles of shoreline and 33,840 acres of water surface.  We will park at the TVA Visitors enter located at the top of the dam on the East side.  Traversing approximately 5 miles through mature forest, following the Storybook Trail, Christmas Fern Trail, Tall Timbers Trail and Lakeview Trail which are all relatively close to the dam itself.  These trails offer some nice lake views with a few short but steep sections.  Along the way, we will pass the historic Norris Dam Tea Room and rustic CCC cabins.  Afterwards, perhaps you will take the opportunity to view the dam itself from an overlook or stop at the TVA Dam Visitors Center or visit the Lenoir Museum in the park.  The Museum of the Appalachia is in nearby Clinton, TN.  You may wish to plan future trips with family to view these and other historical sites such as the grist mill and threshing barn, also in the park, which are unfortunately, not open on Mondays.  Hike details below:

No registration - Just show up!

Date/Time:  Monday, February 13 @ 8:45 am (Rain date February 20th)

Length of Hike: Approximately 5 miles

Elevation Gain:  450 feet

Rating:  Easy/Moderate

Meeting Location:  We will meet at 8:45 am at Tugaloo Beach.  There, we will give a quick rundown of the hike, restroom locations and provided driving directions.  Normally, we encourage carpooling, Departure at 9 am sharp.  Drive to the TVA Visitor Center in Norris Dam State Park where we will park & use heated bathrooms. 

Driving Distance/Drive Time:  56 miles, 1 hour 5 minutes

Hike Leaders:  Larry & Susan Gardner (908) 892-2170

Be Prepared:  Bring water, trail snack, lunch.  Hiking poles and hiking boots are highly recommended.  

Hiking involves some exertion and often walking on uneven surfaces with rocks and roots.  While we do our best to describe any trail challenges and  conditions, you are hiking at your own risk. 

No doges are allowed on the hike. 

In the event of a situation requiring medical intervention during a hike, we suggest that each participant wear their NameTag and bring a Photo ID (generally driver's license) and Medical Information Cards (Health Insurance Card or Medicare + supplemental Health Insurance Cards).

Lunch:  No formal lunch is planned.  You can either bring a lunch or find a restaurant in nearby Clinton, TN.

Coordinator:  Larry & Susan Gardner at [email protected] or (908) 892-2170

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