Public Library At Tellico Village
Our Library is So Much More than Books!
At the library, you can also borrow telescopes, fun-filled backpacks for children, and materials and resources for caregivers and for people with dementia. Movies, audio book CDs, and educational DVDs are also available for checkout.
The library has regular classes, seminars, and presentations on a wide variety of topics.
You can download ebooks for free with your library card from the state library TN READS system.
Interested in local history? We have a large collection of local history books, plus maps showing the history of the area and the development of Tellico Village. You can also access an electronic resource on our public computers that has a wealth of local history information.
Friends of the Tellico Village Library
The Friends of the Library (FOTVL) is a nonprofit organization that raises money to pay for the mortgage, utilities, and maintenance of the library building. The library is privately owned and funded, therefore does not receive any funds from a tax base. The Friends hold many fun events throughout the year, including bimonthly book sales, teas with various themes, 4Bs barbecue, dinner theater, road rally, and more.
Visit the library website to find more information on the library services and fundraising events .
Library Hours:
Monday and Wednesday 9:00 – 5:30; Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9:00 – 5:00; Saturday 9:00 – 1:00
To Contact Us
300 Irene Lane, Loudon, TN 37774 Library Phone: (865) 458-5199 E-mail: [email protected]
Library Location Map

We post to the TellicoLife calendar under Community Service and LIBR.
Supported by "Friends of Tellico Village Library".

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