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LIBR - The Greatest Generation Part II
Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Category: Community Svc


The Story of the Greatest Generation, in Three Parts

Presenter:  Retired Col. Mike Thornton, United States Army

This is a three-part series focused on the World War II generation to whom America owes a historic debt. In his book My War (2000, p. 155)), bomber pilot and  correspondent Andy Rooney, referring generally to the American forces who fought World War II in Europe and the Pacific, here specifically to the Normandy Invasion on D-Day 1944, wrote  “It was one of the most monumentally unselfish things one group of people ever did for another.”


Please follow this link to register for this event:  http://www.tellicovillagelearn.org/?page_id=953